The Dos and Don’ts of Training Reporting: Boosting Your Team’s Success!

What is Training Reporting

Ninety-four percent of employees would stay longer in companies that are willing to invest in their professional development. But how do you know your training programs are effective? This is where training reporting comes in. Training reporting refers to tracking and documenting the progress of employees’ training and development. It involves collecting data on various aspects of the training program, such as attendance, completion rates, performance outcomes, and participant feedback.

The Benefits

Training reporting can help your organization assess your training programs’ effectiveness and identify improvement areas. It can also provide insights into employee performance and skill development, informing decision-making about promotion, performance evaluation, and succession planning.


Effective training reporting should be accurate, timely, and relevant to your organization’s goals and objectives. It should involve using reliable data collection tools, such as surveys, assessments, and performance metrics. It should also involve ongoing analysis and evaluation of the data to identify trends and patterns and to make informed decisions about future training initiatives.


If you are in charge of training reporting at your organization, you are in the right place! We will cover the dos and don’ts of training reporting, so you can ensure that your training program succeeds.


The Dos

First, let’s start with the dos:


DO: Define Your Objectives


Before creating training reports, ensure you clearly understand what you’re trying to achieve with your training program. This will help you identify what data you need to collect and how you will measure your success. Your objectives could include increasing employee engagement, improving job performance, or reducing training costs.


DO: Use Clear and Concise Language


When creating your training reports, using clear and concise language is essential. This will make it easier for your stakeholders to understand the data you are presenting and make informed decisions. Avoid using technical jargon or acronyms that may not be familiar to everyone.


DO: Use Visual Aids


Visual aids like graphs, charts, and infographics can help to make your training reports more engaging and easier to understand. They can also help to highlight trends and patterns in your data, making it easier to identify areas for improvement.


DO: Provide Context


When presenting your training reports, provide context for the data you are presenting. This could include explaining the methodology used to collect the data, any limitations of the data, and any external factors that may have influenced the results.


DO: Continuously Improve Your Reporting


Like any aspect of your training program, your reporting should be continuously improved. Solicit feedback from your stakeholders and consider ways to streamline your reporting process so it’s more efficient and effective.

The Don’ts

Now let’s move on to the don’ts:


DON’T: Overcomplicate Your Reports


While providing detailed data in your training reports is essential, it’s also important not to overcomplicate them. Stick to the most critical metrics and use simple language and visuals to convey your message.


DON’T: Ignore Negative Results


It’s natural to want to highlight the successes of your training program, but it’s equally important to address negative results. By acknowledging areas where your training program is falling short, you can develop strategies to improve it and make it more effective.


DON’T: Overlook Your Audience

Your training reports are not just for your benefit but for your stakeholders as well. Make sure you understand your audience and present your data in a way that is relevant to them. This could mean using different visual aids or focusing on different metrics, depending on the stakeholder.


DON’T: Be Afraid to Ask for Help


If you’re struggling with training reporting, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Consider hiring a consultant or seeking advice from your peers in the industry. There’s no shame in admitting that you need support, and it can ultimately lead to better reporting and a more successful training program.


DON’T: Wait till the End of the Program


Starting data collection and analysis at the end of the training program may not provide a comprehensive view of the program’s effectiveness. You want to collect data and track progress throughout the training program to identify potential issues early on and make necessary adjustments. This approach allows you to evaluate the program’s effectiveness in real-time, making it easier to assess the impact of training on participants and to identify potential gaps in the program.


Following these dos and don’ts of training reporting can create effective and engaging training programs to improve employee performance and productivity. However, developing high-quality training programs requires expertise and time. If you don’t have the in-house resources to create and implement effective training, consider hiring a specialist to help you. Our consultants here at Scalability can develop customized training programs that are tailored to your business’s unique needs and goals. So, don’t hesitate to invest in your employees’ training and development by partnering with us!